Benefits of Publishing with us

Open peer review
Reseapro Publishing encourages authors and referees to opt for the Open Peer Review process for all its publications.

Ensure highest quality
In open peer review system, the identity of the reviewer is also published. Therefore, authors can be assured that their paper is of the highest quality as it was reviewed by top people in their field.

Know your reviewer
You will know the credentials of the referee who reviewed your paper.

Allow readers to better assess the published paper and provide post-publication comments

More transparency in scientific publications.

Reduced bias amongst referees
Our open peer review system enables us to prevent referee bias leading to more thoughtful reviewing.

Fast peer review process and decision
We complete the peer review and decision on your manuscript within four weeks.

Reviewer recognition
We will adopt a reviewer recognition program in which we will reward peer reviewers who determine the validity, significance and originality of submitted articles, whose expert suggestions help you improve your research and manuscript.

Reach more readers
The journals will be indexed in all the major indexing body and your article will be added to the major abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, leading to it reaching more readers

Improve your manuscript
Language editing service from our editing service portal will help you improve your manuscript and make sure that the manuscript is of the highest quality and submission-ready.

Promote your research
We will help you promote your work by offering you a Share Link to your newly published article. This link provides 30 days’ free access to the article during which anyone can directly access the article without signup or registration. After expiry of the first 30 days of its publication, the usual access rules apply.